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I am here to offer clarity and insight. 


Together we will journey into life patterns to find out where there is opportunity and space to grow, where recurring obstacles and challenges can be met with more understanding and ease. 


I will uncover ways to work with your natural strengths and current astrological timing to help you foster a deeper sense of fulfillment. 



Hello you

(Photo: me and my mom, Lorna) 

At your service to facilitate a deeper connection to yourself, to bring about healing, growth, transformation and self-acceptance. 

My guidance is rooted in balancing the spiritual with the practical. Being born into a practice of Transcendental Meditation and raised by my grandparents and a single mom who was a psychologist and ecstatic dancer gave me a longer and wider lens, a language around empathy, physical somatic expression, and a curiosity around the heart of well-being. 

Close friends will tell you I’ve been a closeted astrologer for a couple decades, but I always prided myself on not “being too hippy”, not getting lost in the “woo-woo,” not using words like “self-care” and “divine timing” and “feeling called” that made my skin crawl because I didn’t want to be too weird or out of touch with reality. 

So I tried on many different job hats as a muggle, trying to compartmentalize my deeply felt connection to mysticism and also being somewhat delighted by the mundane. I've had more jobs and visited more countries (including a few where I lived) than I can count on my fingers and toes. Yoga, fitness, animation production, bookkeeping, cafe management, house cleaning, book indexing, residential real estate… 

Then 3 things happened:

1. My daughter was born. 

2. My mom died 6 weeks later.

3. My mom’s mom, who helped raise me, died 6 months after that. 

My beliefs and blocks were obliterated and put back together in a different way. With the help of a couple dear friends over the course of four years, the healing and spirit guidance began. This is what I am here to offer you now today as a practical-intuitive astrological guide, open to all walks of life. 

I am here to weave together spiritual and practical lessons that are free from bypassing,  and wishful thinking, free from whitewashed wellness. Embracing the hard stuff and the shadow side is an essential part of being whole that serves great purpose and can be honored. 

I live and practice on unceded territories of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes and bands of the Columbia and Willamette regions that we call Portland, Oregon. 

Planet and Moon

Decolonized Astrology
Global Majority Voices

I recognize that I am yet another white voice among a sea of predominantly white voices in the astrology world. Although I’m also a quarter Japanese, I walk through the world with white privilege. (Loving and being around my Grandma Fumiko and learning origami from her and thinking kimonos are so cool and mochi is so delicious - all of these things and my proximity to her doesn't give me a pass or make me know what it is to be seen as an Asian in the US.)

The field of astrology is yet another branch of wellness, like yoga or reiki or Ayurveda, that has been taken over, flattened out, centered and commodified on white perspective. Look at any well-known astrology online summit or conference or bookstore section or blog/magazine writer. You'll be hard-pressed to find more than one token Black, Latine, Indigenous or Asian astrologer. It is so frustrating to listen - time and time again - to a white astrologer who is interviewing a bipoc astrologer and ends up taking up most of the airtime, or talks over, or mindlessly "corrects" and diminishes the bipoc astrologer's knowledge. Or how about when a white astrologer who is teaching a course uses a bunch of famous people's charts for reference and they're all white? (Cis-het as well to boot, as far as we know.) In the last one I most recently heard, the astrologer listed Einstein, Newton, Hitler, da Vinci, Princess Diana, on and on. (Oh, but let's throw Oprah or Obama in there because now we're being diverse and inclusive.) Let's also remember that Brown and Black people created astrology! Whether you're looking at Vedic Jyotish (Indian) or Western astrology (rooted in Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek knowledge), this is true. It is too easy to picture white marble statues of Saturn or the Mars God of War which erases their color. Not to mention that they are both gender stereotyped in astrology as being male. I am barely scratching the surface here and others speak far more intelligently and eloquently on these topics. Alice Sparkly Kat, for one, who wrote Decolonized Astrology and has a compelling blog and Instagram feed (listed below). What I personally experience from listening to 
global majority voices (they are not a minority!) is a depth and breadth of context that I have yet to hear from a white astrologer. For example, decolonized ways of talking about the 2nd house of possessions and money that isn't all about accumulation and ownership and bank account size, but about the way one feels resourced that goes far beyond having more stuff (thank you, Diana Rose - also listed below). 

I am intent on continually learning about and participating in the decolonization of astrology, deferring to and elevating voices of the global majority, breaking gendered constraints of astrological concepts and expanding into a much broader expanse of astrological understanding beyond power constructs. Below is a list of astrologers I highly recommend listening to and consulting.

Writer🪐planetary intimacy guide❤️‍🔥cosmic officiant connecting earthbound souls w/ the starry heavens🌹@rosebudtarot co-author​Instagram: @ddamascenaa

Author of Postcolonial Astrology and Aligning Your Planets astrological journal
Instagram: @alicesparklykat

Reiki master and astrologer.

Host of two podcasts: Awaken and Align and The Werk.

M.S. Psychology 
Author of the book How To Manifest
Instagram: @iamlaurachung

Laura K Chung.jpg

child of my ancestors, astrologer, herbalist, health consultant, student of Ayurveda and yoga, energy worker, and spontaneous poet
Instagram: @cadream6

Sidereal Soul ASTROLOGER (President @isarastrology) - DIVINER @astrology.hub - HEALER - WRITER @mountainastrologer LOCUM @mystic.medusa 👾 
Instagram: @clarissadolphin

Founder and director of Conscious Awakening Coaching Combines Astrology with Energy Psychology and other healing modalities, not only bringing awareness to unconscious habit patterns, but shifting the energy for lasting change.

JONATHAN KOE aka NATE QI (they/he/she)​
❤️‍🔥 Mars Priestess until further notice 🌊 Astrology and Akashic Readings Healing The Spirit podcast
​Instagram: @nate_qi

Star Cluster

Client Reviews

Incredibly affirming and enlightening with regards to how I am showing up as a parent for my daughter. I found myself sitting with many “A-ha” moments throughout the session as so many parts of a larger puzzle started to integrate. With much clarity, Sara was able to articulate aspects of my daughter’s persona, life lessons and path that help me to appreciate and understand her more deeply. I also found a sense of relief and inspiration to continue showing up the way I am for my daughter, sensing that we are traveling this parent-child journey together meaningfully and with purpose. To hold space lovingly for our children while also truly seeing them as they are, is one of the greatest gifts we can bring into this life experience together - and the reading with Sara absolutely has inspired me and provided insight into how to keep evolving in this way. ~mother of a highly spirited 7yr old daughter


I am so grateful for your reading today. I now feel a sense of relief that I am in a place where I can sit back and observe where I have been and why I am here. I think I am more comfortable with knowing that my chart shows my energy and where my focus should be. I love the part where you said we are all messy human beings. LOL, that describes me well. I am learning the hard lessons that my past has given me. Thoughtful planning will get me the action that I am looking for without feeling guilty.


Sara's presence is peaceful and warm and joyful, so when I sat with her for an astrological reading I felt at ease and excited. What I didn't see coming, however, was just how insightful Sara's reading would be. 
She interpreted my birthchart in ways that made it seem like she'd known me since childhood. I had lovely but surprising moments where I became emotional, and Sara sat with me through all of it. She made me feel held and validated the gifts and challenges I knew I had and she lifted the veil on ones I wasn't consciously aware of. 
Since my reading with Sara, I have felt a renewed curiosity in my place in the world. I have been motivated to investigate those gifts and challenges she revealed. I was even inspired to sign up for a writer's retreat!
 Sara didn't just tell me which house my Pluto is in or what it means to have a grand square in my chart. She wove practical takeaways in with intuitive questions that altogether felt like the start of a healing process for me. 
I am so grateful to have met Sara and been the beneficiary of her astrological wisdom. Do yourself a favor and get a reading from Sara!


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